Thursday 7 November 2013

Bubblews: A Great Place to Start

If you are new to earning income online, I recommend joining The reason is simple. I make a stable $50 per month there in the little bit of spare time I have and my wife makes $25 per month. I have a friend who has made $500 in a month there. This is a link to her profile: While I don’t believe this is the whole answer to our stated online earnings goal, I think it’s a great place to start.

What is Bubblews?

Bubblews is a social networking site with a difference. They share their revenue with their contributors. In my view anyone who can follow simple rules and put in a little effort will make money on this site.

How do you make money on Bubblews?

Get a username and password and write posts within their rules. You will be paid a penny for every view your post receives and another one for every “like” and comment on your post. To be successful you need to make friends on the site and interact with them. In other words find other contributors whose writing you like. Read, like, comment and share their work and they will start doing the same with yours. Those pennies can really start adding up.

You will also be paid for referrals. Not the most lucrative referral program I’ve ever seen but as with everything on the site it all adds up. If you need to be referred here is my referral link:

What about those claiming Bubblews is a scam?

I’ve researched it and in my opinion most of the crying is sour grapes. Most of the whiners broke the rules and got deleted or didn’t get paid.  These are the basic rules: Make sure you understand and follow them.

There are other things that can get you into trouble and I will touch on a few of them.

You are only allowed two accounts per IP address. Yes a husband and wife or parent and child can participate.

Make sure if you are using pictures or images as part of your posts that you have the right to use them and you give proper credit in your post. I keep it simple. I generally only use images created by myself or other members of my immediate family.

Don’t expect to stick around if you are constantly criticizing and complaining about the site in your posts. Think about it. If you have a job, how long will you keep it, if you keep telling your boss you don’t like him or his company?

Don’t harass the staff. Their staff is limited and mistakes get made. Send them one message through the proper channels and give them a chance to get to it. I have never failed to be served though it may try my patience.

If you make a mistake and get deleted or not paid, suck it up and try again. Spending hours posting hate about Bubblews on other sites isn’t going to pay you one thin dime. Unless you’ve really managed to cheese them off, they will let you try again. Consider it all experience and start over if you need to.

There is the potential for something to go wrong. You might not get satisfaction. I’ve seen it. I don’t believe for a minute that they are selectively ripping off random users. If you really want to make money online get over it. Try again. You won’t make money complaining. I’ve been paid every single time I’ve hit that redeem button and so has my wife. I might move on to better opportunities in the future but for now we’re $75 dollars per month closer to our $1200 per month goal.


Bubblews is not the whole answer to our quest. I’m not stupid. There are not enough waking hours for me to make $1200 per month on this site. Besides we are looking for stability in that desired income. Site rules can change. I’ll cover that in a future post. I don’t think it’s healthy to put all my eggs in one basket. Spending all my available time there will mean that other good opportunities will never get developed.

If you aren’t making money online, by all means give Bubblews a try. You can make money there.

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